It pisses me off when they start moaning about going to war. 当他们开始对开战表示不满时,我很恼火。
Unless you wish to be fired, it is wise not to piss off your boss. 不想被炒鱿鱼的话,不要把老板惹毛才是明智之举。
But you're really starting to piss me off. 但你真的让我开始讨厌你了。
Never piss off your pimp. 你千万别惹火你的老鸨。
He's only using his powers to piss you off. 你知道他只是用他的力量和你斗斗气而已。
The Wall Street guys are keeping their bonuses, and Obama isn't going to make any reforms unless he's prepared to piss off Wall Street. 华尔街的家伙仍然保持着他们的红利,奥巴马没有进行改革,除非他被华尔街气疯。
Then don't piss me off. 那就别惹烦了我。
At the end of which they tell you to piss off? 然后他们给你说,你滚吧?
What do mean, I piss you off? 你什么意思,我把气坏你了?
You know somethin '? You're really startin'to piss me off. 你知道吗?你真的开始激怒我了。
Never occupy my mind any more, you little bitch, piss off from my mind! 我恋爱失败了,你这个婊子,不要再占据我的心灵,从我的心里滚出来!
I'm taking him home and I'm having him, now piss off! 我正把他带回家并要拥有他,现在给我滚开!
And you are really starting to piss me off! 你真的要开始把我惹火了!
Piss off to Spain or Italy, where they niggle, dive or pull shirts, he writes. 特别反感西班牙队与意大利队,他们在场上爱找岔、假摔或者拉拽球衣,他在书中写道。
Why don't you just piss off& you've caused enough problems already! 你为什么不滚开呢&你已经惹了很多麻烦!
What you advocate and teach is what I throw away, so you say no more and piss off! 你提倡教导的那些东西都是我要丢掉的,所以你也不必再说什么了赶快滚吧!
Let's piss off before the boss gets back and sees what we've done. 在老板回来看到我们做了些什么之前,我们还是溜走吧。
Not a smart move to piss off Britney fans, even if it wasn't your intent! 不是一个聪明的移动走开布兰妮的球迷,即使这并不是你的意愿。
How can he have had the effrontery to say "piss off!" to you? 他怎么会这样无耻,竟然对你“滚开!”呢?
He said that the article was going to piss off a lot of people. 还说他写的东西会得罪不少人。
Take my advice and don't bother arguing your point. It'll just piss off your boss, and waste both your time and that of your boss. 请采纳我的建议:不要去力争你的观点,那只会让你的老板发火,并且浪费你和你老板的时间。
They really piss me off. 他们真的让我头疼死了。
Try it like this: start sleeping all day, hang out late into the night, live by your own rules, piss off as many people as possible, and live off the blood of innocent women. 试试这样干:开始白天蒙头大睡;晚上外出闲逛到深夜;我行我素;让尽可能多的人讨厌你;依赖天真的女人们生活。
But then I know you'd just do something to piss me off. 但我现在明白了你只是想让我靠边站。
Piss off the Chinese and make the bar girls happy! 去你的中国佬!和酒吧妹开心开心!
Piss off. I'm telling my ma on you. 滚蛋,我要告诉我妈。
Did you piss him off? 你以前把他惹毛了?
You're about to piss off the people you work for. 你将让你的主子厌烦。
That person adds: "the information Goldman provides is as valuable as the information we give away, they piss off clients all the time and yet most of them come back time and time again." 这位经理还补充道:“高盛提供的信息和我们提供的信息一样有价值,它们会不断惹恼客户,但多数客户还是会一次又一次回到高盛的怀抱。”